Mentors List, July – Nov 2019


List of Mentors for some of the courses running on NPTEL in session July – November 2019

S. No. Course Name Course-Id Mentor Name
1 Design for Quality, Manufacturing and Assembly noc19-me48 Mr. Ankit Kumar
2 Applied Thermodynamics For Engineers noc19-me57
3 Basic Electric Circuits noc19-ee36 Mr. Hari Charan Verma
4 Fundamentals of manufacturing processes noc19-me44 Mr. Irfan Haider
5 Discrete Mathematics (IITG) noc19-cs49 Mr. Narayan Kumar
6 Discrete Mathematics (IITRopar) noc19-cs67
7 Technical english for engineers noc19-hs31 Mr. Nidhish Kumar Singh
8 Developing Soft Skills and Personality noc19-hs32
9 Soft skills noc19-hs33
10 Fluid Mechanics noc19-ce28 Mr. Niraj Kumar
11 Basic Electric Circuits noc19-ee36 Mr. Ravi Kumar
12 Digital Circuits noc19-ee51
13 The Joy of Computing using Python noc19-cs41 Mr. Ashish Kumar
14 Problem Solving through Programming in C noc19-cs43
15 Ethical Hacking noc19-cs68
16 Fluid Mechanics noc19-ce28 Mrs. Shubha Sinha
17 Introduction to Internet of Things noc19-cs65 Mr. Saket kumar